About The Trust

The original vision to start an academic institution like a School or College had actually come from Shri. Mahant Dwarka Dass, who sincerely wanted to start the same in the Rural areas adjoining Gondpur Banehra. Owing to various limitations he couldn’t realize his dream during his lifetime. The task of establishing such institutions were then left to his sons Shri. Narender Sharma and Shri. Rajender Sharma.

This culminated in setting up a trust, which came to be known as Mahant Dwarka Dass Educational Society in the year 2007. Since then the Trust has been actively promoting quality education in the local rural areas. Spread across 3.2 acres of land adjoing the foothills of Una Region of Himachal Pradesh, the instituion boasts of soothing environment with scenic attraction that is harmonious to academic atmosphere.

The Trust has undertaken sincere efforts to bring-up various academic programs in this region. Subsequently, the B.Pharmacy program has got overwhelming response from the public, and in due course of time (in 2020) the Institution has started Diploma course (D.Pharm.) as well. The Institution is now starting M.Pharm. program specializing in Pharmaceutics. The Institute has been regularly adding facilities, including transporation etc. besides academic infrastructure.

The aims and objectives of the society are as under:

a. To provide education to the children by starting education from nursery to Sr. Secondary and vocational, professional, technical & medical courses.

b. To work for literacy mission of the government.

c. To install a deep sense of nationalist, personal and social morality based on our culture and national height among the student so as to produce healthy and bright citizens, free from the unnecessary prejudice and compulsories.

d. To establish management control and finance the education Instutution.

e. The society shall be purely a non-political institution.

f. The fund of the society shall be utilized for the betterment of the society.

g. The profits shall not be distributed amongst members, but will be utilized for the said society.

h. To establish administer control and develop the resources sound financial position and funds of the said foundation as of its institution at different places, through suitable means by accounting as well as to mention accounts of the donors collected by organization from Govt agencies and other source.

i. To provide and enforce the learning of Vedas and other Indian Scripture furthering the propagation of Indian culture art and science.


DDM College of Pharmacy,
Gondpur Banehra (Upper),
Tehsil Ghanari, Distt. Una (H.P.) 177213
Email: ddmpharmacy123@gmail.com
Phone: 01976-268568

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