
Deserving students of DDM-CP can avail appropriate scholarships via State- and Central schemes.

For scholarships available via ‘Government of India – Central Schemes’, students are advised to apply online.

For more info, visit the National Scholarship Portal click here….. 

S. No.Scholarship ProvidedScholarship Provider
1.Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme for MinoritiesMinistry of Minority Affairs
2.Post-Matric Scholarship for Students with DisabilitiesDept. of Empowerment of Persons with Disability
3.Top-Class Education Scheme for SC StudentsMinistry of Social Justice and Empowerment
4.National Fellowship & Scholarship for Higher Education of ST StudentsMinistry of Tribal Affairs


In addition, students can also explore the ‘Indira Gandhi Utkrisht Chatravriti Yojana 2021’ sponsored by Govt. of Himachal Pradesh.

Details of the Scheme:

Indira Gandhi Utkrisht Chatravriti Yojana 2021 by Govt. of Himachal Pradesh is an initiative for meritorious 10+2 passed- and graduate students. The scholarship aims to provide financial support to the deserving students. About 150 meritorious students receive this scholarship every year.

For more info regarding this scheme, click here…..

Frequently Asked Questions regarding this scheme click here…..

Notification from Govt. of Himachal Pradesh regarding this scheme click here…..

Students should note that these are not the exclusive list of scholarships available. Please contact the Scholarship Committee for any updates.

Please note that a deserving student can avail ONLY ONE scholarship scheme at a time.


DDM College of Pharmacy,
Gondpur Banehra (Upper),
Tehsil Ghanari, Distt. Una (H.P.) 177213
Phone: 01976-268568

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